
I stayed at Pada studio in Barreiro in Lisbon March 2020.

I also took part in an online show and another group show.

I've meet lots of great people here and I will share some photos of our show and time there. I can only recommend this place to anybody.

Work by Jeff Kraus. In online show Almost there

Works by artist Jeff Kraus next to my paining, curated online show by curator Julia Gros

PADA presents​:

Capítulo I

Um arquivo Contemporâneo

02.03.2019 - 14.04.2019

Alice Senescall

Anna Jung Seo

Anna Berger

Ben McDonnell

Bence Magyarlaki

Benjamin Deakin

Ben Redgrove

Christopher Dickson

Daniel Langevin

Darren O'Brien

Diana Cerezino

Diogo da Cruz

Diogo Moniz

Divine Southgate-Smith

Ellie Gordon

Emilie Peyre Smith

Emma Hornsby

Estação Sul e Sueste

Evan Thomas

Evy Jokova

Fiona Grady

Holly Mackinnon

Inês Zenha

Jorge Santos

Lea Renee Vajda

Maj-Gret Gaupas

Maria Sassetti

Mia Dudek

Miranda Cleary

Rebecca Byrne

Rebecca Guez

Ricardo Guerreiro

Roulote- Artistic Projects

Scott McCracken

Scott Miles


Thyra Dragseth

Tim Ralston

Tito Chambino

AMAC | Auditorium Augusto Cabrita,​ Av. Escola de Fuzileiros Navais, 2830-150 Barreiro